An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission

Who we are


  • Dr. Evangelia Voulgaraki, Lecturer in Missiology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athens, Greece).

Assistant Editors:

  •  Rev. Prof. Dr Christian Sonea, Profesor of Orthodox Missiology and Director of the Department of Orthodox Theology, „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Dr Alison Kolosova, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Tartu University (Tartu, Estonia)

Editorial Board: 

  • Metropolitan Gregory Stergiou of Cameroon
  • Assoc. Prof. Philip C. Dorroll, Islamic Studies, Department of Religion, Wofford College, USA 
  • Rev. Dr John Ngige Njoroge, Executive Secretary for Theology and Interfaith Relations at All Africa Conference of Churches, Senior Lecturer in Biblical Missiology at Kenya Methodist University, Meru
  •  Assoc. Prof. Vedran Golijanin, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Saint Basil of Ostrog”
  • Dr. Gregory Stournaras, Archaeologist / PhD. Architecture N.T.U.A., Academic Convenor in “Magnesia for Culture” Education Center 
  •  Dr. Elizabeth Theokritoff, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge 
  • Rev. Dr Milutin Janjic, Senior Lecturer in Orthodox Ecclesiology and Missiology at Sankt Ignatios College at the Stockholm School of Theology
  •  Rev. Dr Paul-Bogdan Siladi, Lecturer at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  •  Riad Ghobrial, Adjunct Lecturer in Coptic missiology at  Alexandria School Foundation and Tyrannus’ Orthodox Theological Seminary, Egypt. PhD candidate, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK.
  • Protopresbyter Heikki Teodoros Huttunen, Rector of the Holy Trinity Church in Helsinki, Chairperson of the Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland, Lecturer at the Orthodox Theological Institute in Tallinn

Advisory Board:

  • Prof. Frances Kostarelos, Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, Governors State University, Illinois, USA 
  • Rev. Dr. Stephen C. Headley, anthropologist, rector at the parish of “St. Etienne le Proto-Martyr & Germain d’Auxerre”, Vézelay, France
  • Rev. Prof. Dr Jooseop Keum, General Secretary of the Council for World Mission (CWM), former Director of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Distinguished Professor of World Christianity at the Yonsei University in South Korea and Professor Extraordinarius at the University of South Africa (UNISA).
  • Assoc. Prof. Athanasios N. Papathanasiou in Missiology, Intercultural Christian Witness and Dialogue, at the Ecclesiastical Academy of Athens
  • Prof. Andrew Sharp, Associate Professor of Theology, Doctor of Ministry Program, South University
  • Dr. Niki Tsironi, Institute for Historical Research | National Hellenic Research Foundation, Associate in Byzantine Studies – Centre for Hellenic Studies | Harvard University, Washington D.C. and Adjunct Professor in Byzantine Studies – Simon Fraser University | Vancouver CA
  • Prof. Dr. Joseph Faltas, Coptic Church, Orthodox Patristic Center | Panarion Center for Patristic Heritage
  •  Prof. Dr Dorottya Nagy, Prof. of Theology and Migration at the Protestant Theological University (PThU), the Netherlands. President of the Central and Eastern European Association for Mission Studies (CEEAMS)
  •  Prof. Dr Mika Vähäkangas, director of the Polin Institute for Theological Research at Åbo Akademi University, Finland, former Professor in Mission Studies and Ecumenics in Lund University, Sweden, and former President of the International Association for Mission Studies.
  •  Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. Alina Gabriela Pătru, of Religious Studies at the Orthodox Theological Faculty, Lucian-Blaga-University of Sibiu, Romania
  •  Dr Dimitrios Keramidas, Lecturer in Ecumenism and Orthodox Theology, at the Faculty of Theology, Pontifical University St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome
  •  Prof. Dr. Nicolas Abou Mrad, of Biblical Studies and Ancient Languages, Vice President of the Biblical Federation of the Middle East, author and blogger.

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Evangelia Voulgaraki

A vision… “Solitude has been a permanent companion of Orthodox scholars who serve the fields of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission, until very recently. When it all started, around the mid-20th century, it was like hearing a voice in the wildness.  It took quite a while for the late Prof. Elias Voulgarakis, a pioneer of scholarly research in this field among the Orthodox, to establish Missiology as an Academic subject at Athens University. And yet, this lonely course taken by the founder of Orthodox Missiology in the 20th century, led to a substantial number of students and doctorate researchers in

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Metropolitan Gregory of Cameroon (Stergiou)

“The African community is now at an important stage in the process of claiming its position and identity in the world. The fact that Africa has accepted the Christian message to a great extent should not allow those responsible for the sowing of the Gospel to rest on their laurels, but rather they should constantly seek and discover new ways of communication and qualities of speech that are accessible to the African reality. If this spirit does manage to appear, Orthodox Mission can perhaps evolve and become a significant balancing factor in the course of ancient and new African societies

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Dr. Alison Ruth Kolosova

“The Church is called to witness to God’s salvific presence and action in the world through the inculturation of the apostolic faith in local contexts.  There is a pressing need for a journal where reflection on the missionary dimension of the Orthodox Church in the contemporary world can take place alongside a re-articulation of her missionary heritage throughout history.  We need to promote a vision of a Church which exists not for itself, but for the life of the world.”

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A vision... "Solitude has been a permanent companion of Orthodox scholars who serve the fields of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission, until very recently. When it all started, around the mid-20th century, it was like hearing a voice in the…

“The African community is now at an important stage in the process of claiming its position and identity in the world. The fact that Africa has accepted the Christian message to a great extent should not allow those responsible for…

“The Church is called to witness to God's salvific presence and action in the world through the inculturation of the apostolic faith in local contexts.  There is a pressing need for a journal where reflection on the missionary dimension of…

“Christian ‘martyria’ characterizes the ethos of Orthodox missiology from the theological point of view, from both a historical and a contemporary perspective. This is the kind of theology of mission that we need to develop further. Along these lines, Orthodox…

“I believe that a nuanced understanding of the historical relationship between Orthodox Christians and Muslims is a neglected but crucial part of Orthodox witness in the 21st century. A general Orthodox awareness of not just the history of conflict but…

“When we approach different cultures and civilisations, as well as diverse social and religious groups, we need to cultivate an attitude of respect. We need to listen carefully to the stories of each artifact and monument, to see them as…

“The Orthodox Church has so much to offer today’s spiritual seekers, not least those who think of themselves as ‘post-Christian’. Yet so often we hide our light under a bushel; we are content with our own familiar ways of speaking…

Advisory Board Members

“If we remember Christ on the altar of our hearts, we will be able to follow him, to be guided by him. Christ in our hearts can take us to the ends of the earth where he will wait for…

“I am very excited about Salt as I think the journal addresses a gap in the available missiology journal offerings and brings a perspective I know my scholarly peers in American missiology and the sociology of religion will welcome.  I…

“Having worked together with the Orthodox within the Ecumenical movement for many decades, I have long experience of how valuable Orthodox theology and the Orthodox mentality are in respect of mission, dialogue and issues of peace, justice and the preservation…

“More than ever, we live in an interdependent world. Increasingly, the actions of those in one area (even those of one individual) have ramifications on the other side of the globe. The great political, economic, technological, and social changes over…

“Mission is the true expression of our faith. We believe that Jesus Christ came to save all the human race, so as members of His body we have to help others to enjoy His care and love, to know the true meaning…

“Intercultural dialogue can be observed and achieved even within the Western world where diverse approaches to Christianity developed. The impact of the Russian Diaspora in Western Europe and the States is a telling example illustrating the positive influence of intercultural…

In Memoriam: Former Founding Members

“Missiology is the reality in which the church looks at a reality, a culture, a context, (a continent), and then does its best to step inside that beam of light and articulate what it knows and what it brought into…

“For many centuries most Orthodox Churches have existed in the situation of a national or state Church.  This was true, in a modified way, even of Orthodoxy within the Ottoman Empire.  During the twentieth century, in one Orthodox country after…

“A Journal devoted to Missiology, which sets out to offer a wide-range of possibilities for Christian witness to a world craving for spiritual oxygen, is most welcome.  As Philip said to Nathaniel, we too should be able to say to…