“A Journal devoted to Missiology, which sets out to offer a wide-range of possibilities for Christian witness to a world craving for spiritual oxygen, is most welcome.  As Philip said to Nathaniel, we too should be able to say to any inquirer, “Come and See” (John 1:46); a respectful, friendly invitation to ‘meet’ Christ and discover for themselves what he offers and decide in freedom. I believe that nuanced Inter-faith dialogue, conducted with charity and clarity, is vital to Christian witnessing in a world where countless, alternatives compete for allegiance. Effective dialogue is demanding in the sense that it requires patience, humility and love: one has to set aside preconceived notions, unconscious or conscious prejudice, and, above all fear of the dialogue partner. In certain contexts, witnessing is risky, dangerous, and at all times, Christ’s call to believe in Him as fully Divine and fully human, is a challenge both for Christians as well as non-Christians. This aptly named journal Salt offers a chance to chart new, creative ways of acting as ‘Ambassadors of Christ’ (St. Paul’s wonderful view of our role)); to men and women of all faiths or none, bearing in mind that we proclaim that we are all  ‘made in the image of God’ ‘ and our Triune God loves us all.”