An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission

Rev. Prof. Dr. Christian Sonea


Assistant Editor

Founding Member of the Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. at Vicedean, Faculty of the Orthodox Theology, „Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

“Christian ‘martyria’ characterizes the ethos of Orthodox missiology from the theological point of view, from both a historical and a contemporary perspective. This is the kind of theology of mission that we need to develop further. Along these lines, Orthodox missiology could make an important contribution to ecumenical missiology by emphasising the spiritual dimension of missionary work. Here the connection between theosis and Christian witness could play an important role. In the majority of the Orthodox countries after the fall of communism, there are some new missionary topics that have to be further discussed, namely Christian witness in post-communist societies and the migration or ‘Orthodox Diaspora’. These are some of the priorities in Missiology today, in particular in Eastern Europe.”



Name: Cristian-Sebastian Sonea

Address: Street Albert Einstein, no. 10, ap. 1, 400045 Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

Contact data:;

Sex: Male/ Date of birth 20 August 1977/ Nationality: Romanian




2014-2015: Complementary Certificate in Ecumenical Studies, Ecumenical Institute Bossey, Geneva University.

2005-2010: PhD in Theology (Missiology and Ecumenism): The Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2004-2005: Master Degree in Theology (Systematic and Biblical Theology), the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2002-2003: Master Degree in Theology (Theology and Culture), the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

1997-2001: Bachelor in Orthodox Theology, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai”, University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

1992-1997: High School Diploma, the Orthodox Theological Seminary, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)





2017 – Present: Associate Professor, at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2012 – 2017: Lecturer at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2008 – 2012: Assistant at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2009 – 2012: Director, the Orthodox Theological Seminary, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2001 – 2008: Teacher of Orthodox Theology, the Orthodox Theological Seminary, Zalău (Romania)


Academic management:

2016 – Present: Vice-Den, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2012 – 2016: Vice-Den, the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2009 – 2012: Director, the Orthodox Theological Seminary, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2005 – 2007: School inspector for Religious Education: the School Inspectorate, County of Sălaj (Romania)



2012 – Present: Parish Priest, Saint Andrew Parish, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2009 – 2012: Officiating Priest, the Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2008 – 2009: Officiating Priest, the Chapel of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)

2004 – 2008: Officiating Priest, the Chapel of the Orthodox Theological Seminary, Zalău (Romania)




  1. Teologia dialogului intercreștin. O introducere, Cluj University Press, 2017, 372 p.
  2. Lumea după Babel, Renașterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 198 p.
  3. Paradigme misionare. De la Edinburgh la Sinodul din Creta, Cluj University Press, 2016, 307 p.
  4. Apostolat și responsabilitate. O viziune teologică asupra misiunii laicatului, Cluj University Press, 2015, 248 p.


Books edited

  1. Sonea Cristian, Siladi Paul (Eds.), Stephen B. Bevans, Pregustând Împărăția lui Dumnezeu, Cluj University Press,
  2. Stanciu Vasile, Sonea Cristian (Eds.), Icoană. Mărturie creștină. Totalitarism, Cluj University Press, 2018
  3. Stanciu Vasile, Sonea Cristian (Eds.), Mărturisirea credinței prin cuvânt și artă in Biserica Ortodoxă Română in perioada comunismului, Cluj University Press, 2017
  4. Sonea Cristian, Paul Siladi (Eds.), In Honorem Pr. Prof. Dr. Valer Bel, Cluj University Press, 2018
  5. Sonea Cristian‐Sebastian (Guest Editor), Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, Theologia Orthodoxa, Vol. 62, No. 2 (December 2017)
  6. Sonea Cristian‐Sebastian (Guest Editor), Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, Theologia Orthodoxa, Vol. 63, No. 1 (June 2018)
  7. Sonea Cristian, Marian Gh. Simion (Eds.), Metodologia cercetării in Studiile de pace, Cluj University Press, 2016, 239 p.
  8. Stanciu Vasile, Sonea Cristian (Eds.), Misiunea parohiei și a mănăstirii într-o lume in continuă schimbare vol. I, Ed. Renașterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2016, 625 p.
  9. Stanciu Vasile, Sonea Cristian (Eds.), Educație și Mărturisire. Formarea creștină a tinerilor in spiritul viu al Tradiției, Cluj University Press, 2017, 783 p.
  10. Stanciu Vasile, Sonea Cristian (Eds.), Educație și Mărturisire. Formarea creștină a tinerilor in spiritul viu al Tradiției, II, Cluj University Press, 2017
  11. Sonea Cristian-Sebastian, Simion Marian Gh. (Eds.), Faith and Politics: Emperor Constantine, Orthodox Church and Freedom, Institute for Peace Studies in Eastern Christianity; Cluj University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014, P. 396
  12. Bel Valer, Sonea Cristian, Moș Grigore-Dinu (Eds.), Credinţă și mărturisire. Istorie si actualitate, Cluj University Press, 2012, 350 p.
  13. Bel Valer, Sonea Cristian (Eds.), Revelaţie, dogmă şi spiritualitate in perspective misiunii Bisericii. Al III-lea Colocviu Naţional de Teologie Dogmatică Ortodoxă, Ed. Renașterea, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, 400 p.


Selected articles

  1. Sonea, Cristian, “El document La Iglesia: hacia una visiόn comύn. La contribution de la Iglesia Ortodoxa a su redaction y su reception en la Ortodoxia”, in Pastoral Ecumenica, Abril, 2019, vol. XXXVII, No. 106, pp. 33-53
  2. Sonea Cristian, „Mission of the Orthodox Church in Postmodernity. Identity, Pluralism and Communion”, in Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Theologia Orthodoxa, vol. 63, nr. 2, p. 5–17, dec. 2018. ISSN 2065-9474
  3. Sonea Cristian, „The Issue of the Ecclesial Recognition of the Other Christian Communities according to document “Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World” adopted by the Holy and Great Council, Crete, 2016”, in Dagmar Heller und Minna Hietamäki (Hgg.), Just Do It? – Recognition and Reception in Ecumenical Relations/Just Do It? – Anerkennung und Rezeption im ökumenischen Miteinander. Proceedings of the 19thAcademic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica/ Tagungsbericht der 19. Wissenschaftlichen Konsultation der Societas Oecumenica, Beihefte zur Ökumenischen Rundschau Nr. 115, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig, 2018, pp. 399-312
  4. Sonea, Cristian, “Mission as a Common Witness. An Eastern Orthodox Perspective”, in Acta Missiologiae, 6/ 2018, pp. 5-20
  5. Sonea, Cristian. “The Missionary Formation in the Eastern Orthodox Theological Education in Present Day Romania”, in Transformation, vol. 35, no. 3, July 2018, pp. 146–155;
  6. Sonea Cristian-Sebastian, „Missio Dei – the contemporary missionary paradigm and its reception in the Eastern Orthodox missionary theology”, in Review of Ecumenical Studies, Nr. 1/2017, pp. 70-91.
  7. Sonea Cristian, „The Issue of the Women Ordination. A Challenge for Orthodox Theology in 21th Century”, Teologia, vol 70, nr. 1 (ianuarie-martie), 2017
  8. Sonea Cristian-Sebastian,Confessional Religious Education or Ecumenical Religious Education? Case Study of the Orthodox Confessional School from Cluj-Napoca”, Review of Ecumenical Studies 2/2013, pp. 183-193.
  9. Sonea Cristian-Sebastian, „Identity and Alterity. The Mystery and the Paradox of Self-Knowledge in the Theology of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae”, in Roczniki Teologiczne, Tom 65, nr. 7, 2018, pp. 65-74
  10. Sonea Cristian-Sebastian, „The Ecumenical Dialogue according to Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, Crete, 2016. A few Explanations”, in Roczniki Teologiczne, Tom 64, nr. 3, 2017, pp.
  11. Sonea Cristian-Sebastian, „The Open Sobornicity – An Ecumenical Theme in the Theology of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae”, in Roczniki Teologiczne, Tom 63, nr. 7, 2016, pp. 133-147
  12. Sonea Cristian-Sebastian, „Man’s Mission as Mediator for the Entire World according to Saint Maximus Confessor´s Theology”, in International Journal of Orthodox Theology, 3:3 (2012), 2013, pp. 175-194