Rev. Dr. Stephen C. Headley

“If we remember Christ on the altar of our hearts, we will be able to follow him, to be guided by him. Christ in our hearts can take us to the ends of the earth where he will wait for us and open our eyes to others.”

Prof. Frances Kostarelos

“I am very excited about Salt as I think the journal addresses a gap in the available missiology journal offerings and brings a perspective I know my scholarly peers in American missiology and the sociology of religion will welcome.  I deeply appreciate your efforts to launch Salt and the themes and priorities you have articulated […]

Prof. Dr. Jooseop Keum

“Having worked together with the Orthodox within the Ecumenical movement for many decades, I have long experience of how valuable Orthodox theology and the Orthodox mentality are in respect of mission, dialogue and issues of peace, justice and the preservation of creation. This was amply demonstrated in the shaping of the ecumenical document on mission, Together […]

Prof. Andrew Sharp

“More than ever, we live in an interdependent world. Increasingly, the actions of those in one area (even those of one individual) have ramifications on the other side of the globe. The great political, economic, technological, and social changes over the past few hundred years have given rise to a whole new set of dilemmas […]

Prof. Dr. Joseph Faltas

“Mission is the true expression of our faith. We believe that Jesus Christ came to save all the human race, so as members of His body we have to help others to enjoy His care and love, to know the true meaning of life, to glorify His name.”

Dr. Niki Tsironi

“Intercultural dialogue can be observed and achieved even within the Western world where diverse approaches to Christianity developed. The impact of the Russian Diaspora in Western Europe and the States is a telling example illustrating the positive influence of intercultural dialogue for all the sides participating in it. Salt offers us the opportunity to establish a […]