Rev. Michael Oleksa
“Missiology is the reality in which the church looks at a reality, a culture, a context, (a continent), and then does its best to step inside that beam of light and articulate what it knows and what it brought into that experience, but the two cannot be done simultaneously. You can either look at the […]
Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia (Ware)
“For many centuries most Orthodox Churches have existed in the situation of a national or state Church. This was true, in a modified way, even of Orthodoxy within the Ottoman Empire. During the twentieth century, in one Orthodox country after another, the alliance between Church and State has come to an end, or at least […]
Dr. Christine Mangala Frost
“A Journal devoted to Missiology, which sets out to offer a wide-range of possibilities for Christian witness to a world craving for spiritual oxygen, is most welcome. As Philip said to Nathaniel, we too should be able to say to any inquirer, “Come and See” (John 1:46); a respectful, friendly invitation to ‘meet’ Christ and […]