An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission
Book Review: Andreas Argyropoulos, Christianity and Politics
Dr Dimitrios Baltas
DOI: 10.57577/2-23A22
Salt: Crossroads of Religion and Culture: 2 (2024): 251-252
Keywords: Orthodox Theology, Political Theology, Modern Greek History, Church History, Book Review
Ανδρέας Αργυρόπουλος
Χριστιανισμός και Πολιτική
Athens: Αρμός, 2023
196 pages, with bibliography
[Andreas Argyropoulos
Christianity and Politics
Athens: Armos, 2023]
Review by Dr Dimitrios Baltas
Andreas Argyropoulos’ latest book considers the intersection of Christianity and politics. The first section explores the historical engagement of Christianity with politics in Greece, highlighting both its past contribution and the ongoing relevance of such involvement. The second part focuses on critiques of historical Christianity by leftist ideologies, noting the unwarranted hostility towards religion seen in earlier contexts like Soviet Russia…