An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission

Theology of Religions: Traditional and Modern Approaches

Metropolitan of Krini and Exarch of Malta Prof. Kyrillos (Katerelos)
DOI: 10.57577/2-23A04
Salt: Crossroads of Religion and Culture: 2 (2024): 27-34
Keywords: Theology of Religions, Absolute Truth, Inter-Religious Dialogue, Systematic Theology, Dogmatics

It goes without saying that every religion makes a claim to truth and even to absolute truth. A single absolute truth, with a plurality of truths outside it, is a logical impossibility. This presentation will discuss the problem posed by this antinomy from the perspective of Christian and Orthodox theology, in the face of the pluralism of modern society and the need for peaceful coexistence among people of different faiths,. Inclusivism, exclusivism and religious pluralism are distinct approaches that are prominent in today’s discussion. Interiorism is yet another school of thought, which developed primarily in Germany. After discussing these main trends and their representatives, this presentation will consider the ancient patristic tradition and Orthodox approaches in modern times, and propose criteria for a Theology of Religions and the establishment of a global ethic.

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