An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission

Rev. Michael Oleksa


Member of the Editorial Board | Co chair of the Missiology Group of IOTA

Orthodox Church in America (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)

“Missiology is the reality in which the church looks at a reality, a culture, a context, (a continent), and then does its best to step inside that beam of light and articulate what it knows and what it brought into that experience, but the two cannot be done simultaneously. You can either look at the reality from the outside or you can step into that reality and experience it from within. Missiology is the task of the Church stepping into the beam of light, and come to understand that reality from within and then articulate its own vision as it brought from without. It is the place where dogmatics and ecclesiology and everything else meet. [I submit to you that missiology is where everything else joins].”

Rev. Dr. Michael J. Oleksa, Th. D.

8000 Summerset Drive

Anchorage, Alaska 99518

(907) 646 4086

reverendoleksa@gmail. com


A. History, Georgetown University, Washington, DC  (1969)

Th.  Theology, St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary, Crestwood, NY (1973)

Th. D. History, Orthodox Theological Faculty, Prague, CSSR (1988)


1981-83 Assistant Profess or Value and Religious Service, Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, AK

1983-87 Assistant Professor, X-CED (Cross-Cultural Educational Development) Program, UAF, Fairbanks, AK

1991—present  APU adjunct faculty: Cross Cultural Communication and Alaska Studies



Alaska Missionary Spirituality (Paulist Press) 1982

Orthodox Alaska (SVS Press) 1984

Another Culture/Another World (AASB, Juneau) 2005

Conflicting Landscapes: Alaska Natives and American Schooling

(Todd Communications, Anchorage) 2007

Everyday Wonders (Ancient Faith Press) 2018


PBS TV Series

Communicating Across Cultures (KTOO-TV, Juneau) 1994


Consultant on Cross Cultural Issues:

North Star Children’s Behavioral Hospital

City of Anchorage

USFish and Wildlife Service

Northwest Arctic School District

Bering Straits School District

Yukon-Koyukuk School District

Yupiit School District

Kodiak Island Borough School District

Juneau-Douglas School District

Sitka City School District

Hoonah City School District

Dillingham City School District

Southwest Regional School District

Utqiagvik City School District

Nuiqsut/North Slope Borough School District

Unalaska City School District

Craig City School District

Tri-Cities School District, WA

Ventura County CA

Kern, County CA

Kutztown University, PA

Villanova University, PA

St.Peter’s University, NJ

St. Tikhon University, Moscow, Russia



National Governors Association

Alaska Humanities Forum

Alaska State Legislature

Alaska Federation of Natives

Alaska Association of Secondary School Principals

Orthodox Church in America

Alaska Pacific University

Board of Trustees: University of Alaska