An Orthodox Journal of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission

Rev. Dr. Stephen C. Headley


Member of the Advisory Board

Anthropologist, rector at the parish of “St. Etienne le Proto-Martyr & Germain d’Auxerre”, Vézelay, France

“If we remember Christ on the altar of our hearts, we will be able to follow him, to be guided by him. Christ in our hearts can take us to the ends of the earth where he will wait for us and open our eyes to others.”

Stephen C. Headley (1943-) is an Orthodox priest (Moscow Patriarchate) who studied theology at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary (New York) and l’Institut St. Serge (Paris). After a BA and MA in oriental studies at Columbia University (1965-1969), a diploma in Sanskrit philology at the EPHE (4th section, Paris; 1972) and a doctorate in social anthropology at the EHESS (Paris, 1979), he did research at the CNRS (Paris) from 1981 to 2008. Currently, with two other priests, he serves in the Orthodox parish in Vézelay (France).


  • (to appear) River of Rituals. An Anthropology of Alternative Rites.Theological Anthropology vol. II
  • (2020) After Secularization, a Theological Horizon. Theological Anthropology vol. III (St. Sebastian Press, USA)
  • (2018)Du Désert et du Paradis. Introduction à la Théologie Ascétique. (Paris: Editions du Cerf)
  • (2018) The Hidden Ear of God. A Christian anthropology of verbal icons and iconic words. Theological Anthropology vol. I (New York City: Angelico Press)
  • (2010) Christ after communism. Spiritual Authority and its Transmission in Moscow Today.(Orthodox Research Institute, NH, USA), 574 pages
  • (2004) Durga’s Mosque : Cosmology, conversion and community in central Javanese Islam.Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore, 605 pages.
  • [distinction : Outstanding Academic Title, 2006, Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association.]
  • (2000) From Cosmogony to Exorcism is a Javanese Genesis. The Spilt Seed.  Oxford Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 250 pages


Collective Works

  • (2005) textes réunis par  Stephen C. Headley, Moitiés d’hommes, numéro spécial de la revue l’Homme (#174, avril / juin), avec deux articles, par Stephen C. Headley).
  • (2000) édité par Stephen C. Headley et David Parkin, Islamic prayer across the Indian Ocean. Inside and Outside the Mosque.Curzon Press, United Kingdom, 256 p.
  • (1996) textes réunis par Stephen C. Headley, Vers une anthropologie de la prière: études ethnolinguistiques javanaises. Publications Universitaires de Provence, Aix-en-Provence. 342 p. (avec trois chapitres par SCH).
  • (1994) textes réunis par Stephen C. Headley, Anthropologie de la prière : rites oraux en Asie du Sud-Est. L’Homme, n° 132, vol. XXIV, oct-déc.