Frances Kostarelos, Ph.D.
College of Arts and Sciences
Division of Arts and Letters
Governors State University
One University Parkway
University Park, Illinois 60484
Phone: 708.534.6986
Full Professor, Anthropology and Sociology, Governors State University, College of Arts and Sciences
The University of Chicago Ph.D. Anthropology, 1989
The University of Chicago M.A. Anthropology, 1981
The University of Chicago B.A. Political Science, cum laude, 1980
Modern Greek; proficient; Spanish; good reading
Pluralism, Secular Authority, and Religious Fundamentalism in the Greek Orthodox Church in the United States
Ecumenical and Inter-faith Dialogue on Climate Change and Environmental Injustice
Gender and Sustaining Rural Villages in Southern Greece
Multifunctional Theory, Neoliberalism, and Greek Agriculture Under
Austerity 2009-2019
American Religious Pluralism and Changing Religious Landscapes
Feeling the Spirit: Faith and Hope in a Black Evangelical Storefront Church, University of South Carolina Press, 1995
Articles/Book Chapters
Religious Pluralism, Fundamentalism, and Contested Identities in North American Orthodox Religious Life: The Case of the Greek Orthodox Church in North America,
Orthodox Christian Laity Occasional Paper Series 8, 2018
Contested Identities in the Greek Orthodox Church in North America: Pluralism, Continuity, and Transformation in Current Developments within Orthodox Christianity—Dynamics between Tradition, Innovation, and Realpolitik, Editors Vasilios Makrides and Sebastian Rimestand, The University of Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany. Forthcoming
Short-Term Missions In the Orthodox Church of North America, in Missiology: An International Review: 4(12): 179-186
The Eastern Orthodox Church in North America: Continuity and Change in the Twenty- First Century, in Holding on to the Faith: Confessional Traditions in American Christianity, Douglas A. Sweeney and Charles Hambrick-Stowe, editors, University Press of America, 2008
Eastern Orthodox Christianity in North America, in Contemporary American Religion, Macmillan Reference, 1999
Anthropology of Religion, in Contemporary American Religion, Macmillan Reference, 1999
Book Reviews
Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Monasteries, Alexei Krindatch, Holy Cross Press, Boston, 2016. Published in Review of Religious Research, November 2016
Seeing Anthropology. Karl Heider et al, reviewed for Pearson Press, 2015
Religion and Community in the New Urban Era, Paul Numrich and Elfriede Wedam, reviewed for Oxford University Press, 2012
Cultural Anthropology: An Introduction, William Haviland, et al, reviewed for Oxford University Press, 2013
Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on the Human Condition, 8th Edition, Emily Schultz and Robert Lavenda, Oxford University Press, reviewed for Oxford University Press, 2012.
The Mother Town: Civic Ritual, Symbol, and Experience in the Borders of Scotland, Gwen Kennedy Nevill, Oxford University Press, reviewed for the Review of Religious Research, 1994
Payback: The Logic of Retribution in Melanesian Religions, G.W. Trompf, Cambridge University Press, reviewed for the Sociology of Religion, 1995
In a Different Place: Pilgrimage, Gender, and Politics at a Greek Island Shrine, Jill Dubisch, Princeton University Press, reviewed for the Journal of Ritual Studies, 1995
Gender in Third World Politics, Waylen, Georgina, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colorado, 1996, reviewed for Journal of Third World Studies
Culture in Mind: Cognition, Culture, and the Problem of Meaning, Bradd Shore, Oxford University Press, review for the Journal of Ritual Studies, 1996
The Blair Handbook, Toby Fulwiler and Alan Hayakawa, second edition, Prentice-Hall, 1997 edition, reviewed for Prentice-Hall, 1998 and 2008
A Community of Witches: Contemporary Neo-Paganism and Witchcraft in the United States, University of South Carolina Press, 1998, reviewed for Sociology of Religion
Three Faces of God: Society Religion, and The Categories of Totality in the Philosophy of Durkheim, Donald A. Nielsen, State University of New York Press, review of Religious Research, 1999
Orthodox Christian Theology, Ecology, and Sustainability, Orthodox Theological Association, Iasi, Romania, January 2019. Invited by Professor Gayle Woloschak, Departments of Radiation Oncology, Radiology, and Cell and Molecular Biology Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University for the Environment and Science panel.
Greek Orthodox Christian Laity and Conflicting Discourses in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Bologna, Italy. Invited Panel on Orthodox Laity, European Academy of Religion, March 2019.
Invited Conflicting Greek Orthodox Discourse on Fundamentalism and Fragmenting Greek Orthodox Institutions in the United States. Conference on Orthodoxy and Fundamentalism hosted by Fordham University and the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Belgrade. Invited and funded to present by Fordham University and Volos Academy, May 2018.
The Holy and Great Council: Negotiating National and State Identities, Church Unity, and Pan-Orthodoxy. Third Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, June 2018, Estonia. Invited by Professor Jerry Pankhurst, Wittenberg University.
Religious Pluralism, Fundamentalism and Contested Identities in North American Orthodox Religious Life: The Case of the Greek Orthodox Church in North America, Orthodox Christian Laity 30th Annual Conference, Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, Chicago, 2017
Responses to the Teachings of Elder Ephraim in the Greek Orthodox Church in North America: A Crisis of Authority and Legitimacy, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Washington, 2017
The Laity in the Greek Orthodox Church in America (GOA): Strained Relations and Calls for Reform. Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Atlanta, 2016
Multifunctionality, Greek Agriculture, and Sustaining Rural Life under Economic Crises and Restructuring, 2008-2016. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Vancouver, 2016
Pluralism and Contested Identities in the Greek Orthodox Church in North America, Meetings of the World Congress of the International Association of the History of Religions, University of Erfurt, Erfurt Germany, 2015
Fundamentalism in the Greek Orthodox Church in North America, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Indianapolis, 2014
Orthodox Christian Missions and Global Contexts, American Society of Missiology Meetings, Minnesota, 2014
Gender and Identity in Olive Cultivation and in Southern Greece, American Anthropological Association Meetings, Chicago, 2013
Agriculture and Agrarian Economies: Greek Women and Sustaining Coastal Farms. American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Francisco, 2012
Women and Farming in Greek Coastal Villages, Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Baltimore, 2012
Contested Tradition or Emergent Cult? The Case of Orthodox Monasteries In North America, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Milwaukee, 2011
Eastern Orthodox Christians and Short-Term Missions, Annual Meetings of The American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, 2010
Mission and Social Justice among Eastern Orthodox Christians in North America, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2009
Applied Qualitative Research and Campus Ministry: The Case of Orthodox Christian Fellowship and Programs in the Theological Exploration of Vocation, Annual Meeting of the Orthodox Theological Society of American, Chicago, 2008
Globalization and Eastern Orthodox Churches in North America: A Spatial Perspective, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2008
Social Change in Eastern Orthodox Churches in North America, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2006
Contemporary Eastern Orthodox Religion in North America, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2005
Teaching on the Web, Annual Meeting of the National University Telecommunications Network, Denver, 2001
Boundaries and Locations: Reflections on Field Work, Annual Meeting for the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2004
Imagination in Ethnographic Research, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2004
Tradition and Memory in Greek Orthodox Worship in Urban America, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1998
Reaching Out to Black Youth: The Case of Christian Heritage Training Center Community Academic Paraschool (CAPS), Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1997
Ethnicity and Religious Identity: Narratives from the Saint Basil Congregation, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1996
Black Women Organizing for Social Change and Justice Within an Urban Independent Church: The Case of Christian Heritage Training Center Community Church, Annual Meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1995
Conceptions of Social Justice in Greek Orthodox Liturgical Narratives and Practice, Annual Meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1994
Ethnic Churches and Ethnic Revival: Greek Orthodox Liturgical Narratives and the Construction of Greek-American Identity, Annual Meeting of Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1991
Symbols of Meaning and Resistance Articulated in Evangelical Protestant Storefront Churches Among Working-Class Blacks in Chicago, Evangelicals, Voluntary Associations, & American Public Life Conference, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 1991
The Biblical Story and the Construction of Moral and Social Identity Among Black Evangelicals, American Ethnological Society Meeting, 1991
Full Professor, Governors State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Social Sciences Program, Sociology and Anthropology Program, and Graduate Political and Justice Studies Program, 1995-present
Adjunct Faculty, Wheaton College, Sociology and Anthropology, 2000-2001
Adjunct Faculty, Columbia College Chicago, Department of Liberal Education, 1992-1995
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of the Pacific, Stockton, California, 1991-1992
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Knox
College, Galesburg, Illinois, 1989-1991
Visiting Instructor, The University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Anthropology, 1990
Lecturer, The Continuing Education Program, The University of Chicago, 1987-1989
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, DePaul University, Chicago, 1988
Lecturer, Department of Liberal Education, Columbia College Chicago, 1985-1987
Teaching Assistant, Social Sciences Division, The University of Chicago, 1986-1987
Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Lake Forest College, Illinois, 1985
Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Elmhurst College, Illinois, 1982-1984
Ethnicity, Culture, and Politics
Ethnographic Research Methods
Sociology and Anthropology of Religion
Human Geography
Senior Capstone: Values, Technology, and Social Change
Anthropology in Film
Urban Anthropology
Food, Culture, and Society
Trends In Cross-Cultural Analysis
Undergraduate Research Project/Thesis Advisor
Cultural Ecology, Theories and Approaches to Political Science and Justice Studies Graduate Research Methods in Political and Justice Studies Graduate Thesis Advisor, Political and Justice Studies
Symbolic Anthropology
Social Theory
The Sociology of Religion
Medical Anthropology
Non-Industrial Societies
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Food and Culture
Self, Culture, and Society
SERVICE: Governors State University
Academic Master Planning Committee, Office of the Provost
Faculty Development Advisory Council
Prestigious Scholarship Award Committee
Social Sciences Program Review
Religious Studies Minor
Graduate Environmental Studies Program
Sanctions Committee
Coordinator, Environmental Studies Curriculum and Program Development
University Curriculum Committee
Annual Student Research Conference, College of Arts and Sciences
Anthropology Bachelor’s of Art Major, Founding Faculty and Curriculum Development
Search Committee: College of Arts and Sciences Dean
Faculty Search Committees: Biology, History, Political Economy, Sociology, Philosophy,
Political Science, Cultural Anthropology
Chair, Liberal Education Division Criteria Revision
College of Arts and Sciences Personnel Committee University Honors Committee
Grievance Committee
Writing Across the Curriculum, CAS, Board Representative
Coordinator, Liberal Studies Curriculum Committee
Coordinator, Social Sciences Program
Affiliated Faculty: Gender and Sexuality Studies
External Reviewer for Doctoral Thesis, Staffordshire University, UK. Eleni Tseliga, From Gastarbeiter to European-expatriates: Greek Migrant Communities in Germany and their Socio-political Integration before and after 1992 Maastricht Treaty on European Union, 2017
The Distinguished Article Committee, Chair, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2017
The Distinguished Article Committee, Member, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2016
Consultant, Columbia College Documentary Film Department, “Fired Up: Public Housing Is My Home.” The film won the Chicago Emmy and First Place in the Chicago International Film Festival
Consultant, Lilly Endowment, The University of Illinois at Chicago, New Immigrant and Congregations Project
Consultant Multiculturalism in the Anglican Church of Canada, Trinity College, The University of Toronto
Governors State University Research Grants, Office of the Provost, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2009
Governors State University Intellectual Life Grant: The Barns of Illinois Seminar and Public Lecture, 2009
Governors State University Intellectual Life Grant: Women as Cultural Brokers in Global Missions Seminar and Public Lecture, 2011
Governors State University Faculty Excellence Award, 1998
Governors State University Alumni Research Awards 2003, 1998, 1997, 1996
Lilly Endowment Evaluation Research Award, Programs In the Theological Exploration of Vocation, 2003-2009
Lilly Endowment Research Award, The American Confessional Project, 2003-2006
National Endowment for the Humanities, Historical Preservation Workshop Award at the Campbell Center, Mount Carroll, Illinois 2013
Templeton Foundation, Zygon Center for Religion and Science, Interdisciplinary Curriculum Workshop Award, 2002
The University of Chicago, Midwest Faculty Research Award, Minority Student Mentoring Award, 1992
Knox College, Faulty Research Award, 1990-1992
Lilly Endowment, The Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals,
Doctoral Research Fellowship 1988-1989
The University of Chicago, Tuition Scholarship, 1980-1984
The University of Chicago, Graduate Fellowship1980-1984
The University of Chicago, Research Fellowship, Powell Fund Endowment, 1984-1989
American Anthropological Association
Modern Greek Studies Association
The Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
Environmental Anthropology
Culture and Agriculture
Society for Applied Anthropology
Society for Visual Anthropology