Dr. Evangelia Voulgaraki

A vision… “Solitude has been a permanent companion of Orthodox scholars who serve the fields of Cross-Cultural Theology, Dialogue and Mission, until very recently. When it all started, around the mid-20th century, it was like hearing a voice in the wildness. It took quite a while for the late Prof. Elias Voulgarakis, a pioneer of […]
Metropolitan Gregory of Cameroon (Stergiou)

“The African community is now at an important stage in the process of claiming its position and identity in the world. The fact that Africa has accepted the Christian message to a great extent should not allow those responsible for the sowing of the Gospel to rest on their laurels, but rather they should constantly […]
Dr. Alison Ruth Kolosova

“The Church is called to witness to God’s salvific presence and action in the world through the inculturation of the apostolic faith in local contexts. There is a pressing need for a journal where reflection on the missionary dimension of the Orthodox Church in the contemporary world can take place alongside a re-articulation of her […]
Rev. Michael Oleksa

“Missiology is the reality in which the church looks at a reality, a culture, a context, (a continent), and then does its best to step inside that beam of light and articulate what it knows and what it brought into that experience, but the two cannot be done simultaneously. You can either look at the […]
Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia (Ware)

“For many centuries most Orthodox Churches have existed in the situation of a national or state Church. This was true, in a modified way, even of Orthodoxy within the Ottoman Empire. During the twentieth century, in one Orthodox country after another, the alliance between Church and State has come to an end, or at least […]
Rev. Prof. Dr. Christian Sonea

“Christian ‘martyria’ characterizes the ethos of Orthodox missiology from the theological point of view, from both a historical and a contemporary perspective. This is the kind of theology of mission that we need to develop further. Along these lines, Orthodox missiology could make an important contribution to ecumenical missiology by emphasising the spiritual dimension of […]
Assist. Prof. Philip C. Dorroll

“I believe that a nuanced understanding of the historical relationship between Orthodox Christians and Muslims is a neglected but crucial part of Orthodox witness in the 21st century. A general Orthodox awareness of not just the history of conflict but also the history of coexistence between these two communities is in my view necessary in […]
Dr. Gregory Stournaras

“When we approach different cultures and civilisations, as well as diverse social and religious groups, we need to cultivate an attitude of respect. We need to listen carefully to the stories of each artifact and monument, to see them as they are, the handiwork of people. In this way we shall discover not only the […]
Rev. Dr. Stephen C. Headley

“If we remember Christ on the altar of our hearts, we will be able to follow him, to be guided by him. Christ in our hearts can take us to the ends of the earth where he will wait for us and open our eyes to others.”
Prof. Frances Kostarelos

“I am very excited about Salt as I think the journal addresses a gap in the available missiology journal offerings and brings a perspective I know my scholarly peers in American missiology and the sociology of religion will welcome. I deeply appreciate your efforts to launch Salt and the themes and priorities you have articulated […]